SCP food consultant
Consulenti di direzione aziendale nel retail e food retail
Dal menu alle operazioni fino all'implementazione di nuove strategie di business, i nostri esperti consulenti sono pronti ad affrontare i contesti più complessi, creando il miglior Format per la food retail e retail business, progettando con te i piani d'azione per un successo ottimale.
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- Get to know us! | Business Food Retail | Scp Food Consultant
ABOUT US SCP food consultant Conception, optimisation and development of the retail/ food retail concept. From the implementation of new business strategies to ultra-efficient work processes, SCP Food Consultant’s pragmatic approach overcomes obstacles to find the best format from your retail and food business idea. Our group We have been helping retail entrepreneurs since 2000, offering services to transform the way to do business. From our twenty years of experience come the skills and competences that allow us to take your retail or food retail business to the next level, with innovative processes and strategies. We examine the strategic actions companies implement to emerge in the market, modifying and improving them also thanks to the knowledge of the most important reference players. Our working days are alongside your managers to provide solutions to everyday problems with the use of innovative tools and well-considered resources. We are proud to help improve the way our clients’ structure and manage their business. Contact us to find out more about the services that can help you – sign-up here for a free consultation. SCP Consultant is a partner of SCP consulting is member of UBRI, a union of entrepreneurs who work to create a system and improve the competitiveness of their companies. Tell us your business idea! Name Last Name Email Phone Messagge Send Thanks for contacting us
- Contact Us! | Business Food Retail | Scp Food Consultant
Mettiti in contatto con noi Non vediamo l'ora di sentirti, senza impegno e senza costo...chiamaci! Siamo pronti ad aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi o solo a confrontarci con te. Telefonicamente chiama Sal al suo numero +39 3939971714 o inviaci una email a, Compilando il form sottostante ti offriamo una prima consulenza telefonica per comprendere al meglio le tue esigenze. via consiglio dei sessanta 99 - 47891 Dogana (Rsm) Nome Cognome Email Progetto, Azienda o Brand Send Grazie ! Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Better Call, Sal !
- What we do | Business Food Retail | Scp Food Consultant
What we do SCP food consultant SCP S.r.l. offers a wide range of consulting services to support and assist any type of business: from small, established local businesses; and start-ups looking to take their next steps, to multinational food companies keen to capitalise on their strengths to continue to grow. Our shared goal is SUCCESS in the retail and food retail sectors. Operations Providing insights and strategies to improve the efficiency of your business model Retail development Working side-by-side with strategic and operational guidance to develop, grow and expand your retail objectives Concept development and innovation Turn your exciting ideas into successful food service concepts Investors and private equity Competition among investors is fiercer than ever, we offer extensive experience working with investors on development ideas, (including master-franchising) here in Italy and abroad. Coaching and training workshops Engaging your teams with specific training and tools to secure your competitive edge. Menu strategy Helping you to develop a winning menu strategy to build your business Business plans & Brand strategy Advice on growth strategy expansion, building your brand, adaptation to foreign markets, to maximise financial performance. Retail and Restaurant Franchising A transparent approach and all you need to know to take the right next steps Location Help to find the right location, to impact your public presence, walk-in traffic, the potential for future income, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the commercial real estate market Want to know how we can help you? Get in Touch Investors and Private Equity funds Retail and food retail companies are attractive targets for investors, and competition between investors is fiercer than ever. We support the full investment lifecycle from investment thesis ideation to post-acquisition integration, thanks to extensive experience working with investors on development ideas, (single franchising, multi-franchising, -Master) here in Italy and abroad. Offering insights and tactics to review the current operations and opportunities, to focus on reaching maximum potential and profitability. Speaking retail operators’ language while keeping asset performance top of mind. partners
- Projects | Business Food Retail | Scp Food Consultant
Projects SCP food consultant My clients range from established, Italian heritage brands to start-ups and local business, as well as funds looking to invest in new business concepts both in and outside Italy. If you are ready to take your retail idea to the next level by working with me, then get in contact for a first free consultation. To be successful in retail, innovation is key: the difference today is not so much linked to creativity or the capacity of a single winning product, but more to knowing how select and take the right path to define a winning offer. Efficient operations are the determining factor to offer more to the customer and to make the margins necessary to create value. Innovation means replacing the concept of "novelty" with that of effective process, only in this way is it possible to create a repeatable positive impact for the customer and a virtuous economic-financial management that determines the success of the chain. To be successful in retail, innovation is key: the difference today is not so much linked to creativity or the capacity of a single winning product, but more to knowing how select and take the right path to define a winning offer. Efficient operations are the determining factor to offer more to the customer and to make the margins necessary to create value. Innovation means replacing the concept of "novelty" with that of effective process, only in this way is it possible to create a repeatable positive impact for the customer and a virtuous economic-financial management that determines the success of the chain. Alcuni dei nostri Progetti Industry-leading consultants offering practical solutions that help you achieve business results. Avere successo nel mondo We lead the restructuring project to successfully establish CAFFÈ PASCUCCI as a chain of coffee shops. Our responsability included initiating and planning all the steps to create and implement the new strategy in the market. We supported all the business planning and marketing processes, to enable the launch, including providing: Hr and Recruitment professional support Location scouting and Operation reengineering. Contract and design construction process We developed the franchisee recruitment development plans for Switzerland, and for cross-border expansion in neighbouring European countries. Creare una J/V di successo We structured a JV transaction for the highest probability of long-term value creation. A joint venture (JV) is the ideal option when entities want to share their unique strengths, synergies and capabilities, but do not want to lose their own identity. As consultant to these two established business owners, Flli Maioli and Food Management - Percassi Group , I worked to support the partnership, by navigating through various corporate and product strategies to create clear benefits for both joint venture participants. The project culminated with the new Casa Maioli concept and 8 restaurant openings. Creare una Catena Abbiamo ideato a fianco del Gruppo Surgital, importante azeinda alimentare leader nel mondo, il nuovo Concept di ristorazione con l'intento di sviluppare una catena di ristoranti romagnolo nel mondo. Abbiamo sviluppato il Manuale Operativo ed il Sistema del Cà Pelletti Restaurant Chain Concept seguendo tutte le fasi di creazione e coordinamento, dall'idea iniziale alla ricerca, selezione e supporto dell'engineering model del primo ristorante pilota nel centro storico di Bologna. La nostra collaborazione continua con l'affiancamento alla Direzione Aziendale per i processi strategici di sviluppo affiancando le funzioni aziendali deputate allo scouting di nuove location ed ai processi decisionali conseguenti. Servizi: Pianificazione dei processi di direzione aziendale e marketing Design del menu e sviluppo continuo dei processi operativi Onboarding e formazione motivazionale del personale Supporto professionale HR e Recruitment Supporto ai processi d'innovazione aziendale Affiancamento location scouting Bringing the Piadina to New York Eataly created the conditions to bring unique entrepreneurial realities of Italian food excellence onto the world stage. Our role with the fratelli Maioli helped launch the piada in Eataly New York. Our expertise in operations enabled us to transform the restaurant business of little-known Italian products and bring them to international success. Una Piadineria Artigianale di gran "GianGusto" We supported the development project to reengineer the GIANGUSTO franchise chain. Thanks to our retail and food expertise, we created and coordinated a whole new business strategy. We successfully led the business and market planning process which resulted in new market approach. Our role included: Hr and Recruitment professional support Location research Contract and design construction process Development of the Franchisee recruitment in Europe. Nuovi retail modeling e location strategy While the Russian Federation was opening up to international business chains for the first time, we created the inaugurale business development plan to successfully penetrate the Russia and CIS Market, in particular by recruiting new franchisee partners for the GoldenPoint Retail Project. The wide scope of our responsibilities extended from location research and scouting to construction coordination; to registered trademarks and local law research and proposal. Bringing the Piadina to New York Eataly created the conditions to bring unique entrepreneurial realities of Italian food excellence onto the world stage. Our role with the fratelli Maioli helped launch the piada in Eataly New York. Our expertise in operations enabled us to transform the restaurant business of little-known Italian products and bring them to international success. La nuova ristorazione We supported the development project to reengineer the GIANGUSTO franchise chain. Thanks to our retail and food expertise, we created and coordinated a whole new business strategy. We successfully led the business and market planning process which resulted in new market approach. Our role included: Hr and Recruitment professional support Location research Contract and design construction process Development of the Franchisee recruitment in Europe. Il Social Street Cocktailing While the Russian Federation was opening up to international business chains for the first time, we created the inaugurale business development plan to successfully penetrate the Russia and CIS Market, in particular by recruiting new franchisee partners for the GoldenPoint Retail Project. The wide scope of our responsibilities extended from location research and scouting to construction coordination; to registered trademarks and local law research and proposal.
- Business Food Retail | Scp Food Consultant
We support your Passion for retail Food Retail Operations Concepts Retail formats Together to make a difference Any business can improve with small incremental changes, but to thrive in an environment in rapid evolution, it is vital to make informed decisions and rely on professionals with demonstrated experience. Does Your Food Business Idea Work? Do you want to develop your business, but you don't know where to start? Do you need help planning or implementing your next restaurant project? Discover more About Us Conception, optimisation and development of the retail/ food retail concept. Find out more about our company history Read More Investors and Private Equity funds Retail and food retail companies are attractive targets for investors, and competition between investors is fiercer than ever. Read More News and Views My clients range from established, Italian heritage brands to start-ups and local business, as well as funds looking to invest in new business concepts both in and outside Italy. If you are ready to take your retail idea to the next level by working with me, then get in contact for a first free consultation. Read more No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. SCP Consultant is a partner of SCP consulting is member of UBRI, a union of entrepreneurs who work to create a system and improve the competitiveness of their companies.